Engineering computation under uncertainty - Capabilities of non-traditional models

authored by
Bernd Möller, Michael Beer

This paper provides a review of various non-traditional uncertainty models for engineering computation and responds to the criticism of those models. This criticism imputes inappropriateness in representing uncertain quantities and an absence of numerically efficient algorithms to solve industry-sized problems. Non-traditional uncertainty models, however, run counter to this criticism by enabling the solution of problems that defy an appropriate treatment with traditional probabilistic computations due to non-frequentative characteristics, a lack of available information, or subjective influences. The usefulness of such models becomes evident in many cases within engineering practice. Examples include: numerical investigations in the early design stage, the consideration of exceptional environmental conditions and socio-economic changes, and the prediction of the behavior of novel materials based on limited test data. Non-traditional uncertainty models thus represent a beneficial supplement to the traditional probabilistic model and a sound basis for decision-making. In this paper non-probabilistic uncertainty modeling is discussed by means of interval modeling and fuzzy methods. Mixed, probabilistic/non-probabilistic uncertainty modeling is dealt with in the framework of imprecise probabilities possessing the selected components of evidence theory, interval probabilities, and fuzzy randomness. The capabilities of the approaches selected are addressed in view of realistic modeling and processing of uncertain quantities in engineering. Associated numerical methods for the processing of uncertainty through structural computations are elucidated and considered from a numerical efficiency perspective. The benefit of these particular developments is emphasized in conjunction with the meaning of the uncertain results and in view of engineering applications.

External Organisation(s)
Technische Universität Dresden
National University of Singapore
Computers and Structures
No. of pages
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Civil and Structural Engineering, Modelling and Simulation, Materials Science(all), Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science Applications
Electronic version(s) (Access: Closed)